Wednesday, July 4, 2012

It's Summer!

wearing no socks foot shot for fromwhereistand

For me, it's a sure sign for summer, when I can wear my Tevas... You must know I always have cold feet and it takes a lot to get me out of my socks...!

You've probably seen similar feet shots on Instagram where Holly aka Soupatraveler is posting hers, there is even a Flickr group for this kind of captures, and I must say I gave them a try (several actually) myself. But, try as I may, they always look kind of funny - sometimes the angle is so weird, giving the impression that I'm either a giant with small feet or vice versa, then I discover on the photos that my shoes are in urgent need of shoe polish, or that I should buy new shoes altogether...

And you can consider yourself lucky that I spare you photos of my feet in thick comfy wool socks (did I mention my ever cold feet...) wearing Birkenstocks - don't worry, I only wear that combination at home, where no one can see it (ahem, other than my husband that is...)!

However, I can live with that feet shot above, which I took as proof of a warm summer day.

By the way, that's the nail polish I'm wearing - unfortunately it's disappointingly invisible, not only on the photo...

nail polish almost invisible

Happy 4th of July to all my friends in the United States, and a wonderful day for everyone!


gina said...
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gina said...

Well, Rosie, I think you need to go with blue and purple nail polish!

Carol Blackburn said...

Thanks Rosie, I hope you've had a great day too. Nice to see you are out and about.

hootnonny said...

Hope your July 4 is a good one.
My Tevas like those hurt my I seldom wear them, but I do love my Merrills!

Gail Dixon said...

Happy 4th to you!! Hope it was a great day. I vote for fuchsia nail polish for the next foot shot. :)

Deanna said...

I think you need bright red to show off your tootsies. Happy Summer!! If it is as warm where you are as it is here, you won't have any trouble keeping your feet warm without those wool socks.

Lisa Gordon said...

Love your foot shot Rosie!
Hope you are having a wonderful week.

Justine said...

I love the colour of your nailpolish! My toes keep getting very wet in all the rain we keep having

Unknown said...

I also love to have my Socks on. But summer is here isn't it.


Laura said...

Hi Rosie, great to see you out and about. I also suffered from cold feet in the UK until I found UGG slippers. Alas I have had to leave them in the UK. Here in India I always have hot feet! x

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